Megadoom II
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// Copyright 1994 Sensor Based Systems Inc.
// This is the Shareware version of DeeP.
// To receive the Registered version of DeeP
// Send $17.00 to :
// Sensor Based Systems, Inc. jackv56036@AOL.com
// 17010 NE 190th ST
// Woodinville, WA 98072 (206) 827-8794
// This is the internal file for DeeP's use. Use DeeP to view it.
// See DeeP.1st and Deep.DOC and DeeP.INI for instructions.
// Add to this information for your own use if you like.
// If you make it too wide, it won't SHOW, so trim accordingly!
// Please do not distribute your modified copy.
// These are the current rules for this file (more stuff to be done later).
// There are fourteen colors available:
// a=darkgray A=lightgray
// b=blue B=lightblue
// c=cyan C=lightcyan
// g=green G=lightgreen
// p=magenta P=lightmagenta
// r=red R=lightred
// w=white
// x=black
// The first position controls the background color for any colors.
// is the start of the text color followed by the color.
// terminates the current color and reverts back to black.
// 53,47
// Do not put comment lines between sections for now.
// Don't go all the way across, cause it won't show!
B y DeeP Editing Help
Use the bmouse or the bcursor keys to move around.
The map scrolls when the pointer reaches the edges
of the screen.
a w Map Scroll Limits
The maximum scroll in any direction is slightly
less than the "edge" of the map in that direction.
This "brick" wall prevents the map from flying off
your screen.
If you are making a very large area, reduce the
zoom or extend the area after you make it as large
as you can. The new area automatically extends the
scroll limits, so you can make it bigger again.
If you scroll to the edge and magnify with Auto
Center turned off, you may loose sight of the map!
Turn Auto Center back on, and zoom +/- to get
your bearings again.
y b
y b Function Key Commands
y b
yrF1 There are three levels of Help screens.
a w1. Main Help screen (this one)
a w2. Top Menu Bar Help
Context sensitive Help for all items on the top
menu bar. Select the menu item and press F1 to
see detailed help for each selection.
a w3. Object Help
Context sensitive Help for the first sub-menu
that comes up when Enter is pressed in any of
the edit modes. Press Enter (or press mouse
button 2 fast) to edit the object and then
press F1.
Each item is explained in more detail in the
context sensitive help section.
yrF2 Save level in a PWAD file.
yrF3 Save As... Reassign level of a map.
yrF4 Search/Change for Object.
yrF5 Preferences, set default values.
yrF6 Print Map (see end this section).
yrF8 Miscellaneous Operations.
yrF9 Insert standard shapes.
yrF10 Check Level for errors.
yrAltF2 Save Level and always build Nodes
yrAltF3 Save as.. and always build Nodes
yrAltF4 Exit & Save
yrAltF5 Set Options for sound, grid, etc.
yrAltF6 Set Colors for mouse, grid, etc.
yrShiftF1 Test Level
yrShiftF2 Edit a different Level
yrShiftF3 Create a new level from scratch
yrShiftF4 Reset all PWAD files read
y b
y b Special Key Commands
y b
1. Exit without saving changes if you are not in
any submenu.
2. Exit any submenu. If any item was selected, it
is saved. You can also click the right mouse
button to exit.
3. Cancel any current active drag or copy object.
The objects are returned to the starting
locations. Copied objects still exist, and are
behind the current objects shown. Be sure to
either move or delete them.
All the objects selected are still active. You
can restart dragging by clicking the Right
mouse button again. Press bC to clear the object
selection. Be careful you don't lose track of
any copies!
Insert a new object at the current cursor
position. Copies the last selected object or
insert a default object (see Edit F1 help).
In Vertex mode, press the Left mouse button to
insert as many as desired. Press the Right button
to quit.
Prevent auto-object selection temporarily
Switch to the previous editing mode.
Set grid scale to 0.
Same as Shift+Left mouse button.
Delete the current object
Edit the current object
Switch to the next editing mode. If
objects are marked, they remain marked
with both forms of tabbing.
Toggle the move/scroll speed from slow to
Move the cursor position (and Map)
In edit moves the Map Right a bunch.
In menus, moves to the first item.
In edit moves the Map Left a bunch.
In menus, moves to the last item.
In Vertex Insert, quit without close.
Move the Map Down a bunch
In menus, moves down.
Move the Map Up a bunch
In menus, moves up.
yrScroll Lock
Turn on/off the autoscroll feature.
Keeps the screen from moving accidently when
you touch the edges.
Scroll Lock also activates automatic Top
menu selection. The menu appear as soon as
the cursor is placed over the item.
y b
y b Character Key Commands
y b
yr+ - ZOOM in or out (change the map scale)
ZOOM levels range from 1/20 scale to 4/1 scale.
yr[ ] Change the map scroll speed delay
Delay ranges from 0 to 500 in 50 ms increments.
Value is displayed on the bottom line.
yr\ Toggle Auto Center
Automatically center objects when zooming. Centers
the map on the object. The bottom line displays a
symbol when Auto Center is active.
yrA Toggle default auto-object selection
Enables individual object selection.
Auto object selection. Selects an object as soon
as the cursor moves close to it. The bottom line
displays a symbol when Auto Object is active.
You may wish to turn this off if when you want to
edit objects by clicking the picture(s) displayed
on the bottom of the display.
yrC Clear all selections and redraw map
Cancel any current active drag or copy object.
The objects are returned to the starting
Copied objects still exist, and are behind the
current objects shown. Be sure to either move or
delete them. All the objects selected are cleared.
It's better to use Esc to cancel, since the
objects left selected.
yrD Toggle drag mode (Vertexes/Things)
If you don't have a mouse, select an object by
pressing bM and then press bD to activate
dragging. Use the cursor keys to move the
object(s) and press bD again to release it.
yrF Repeat last Find or Change
yrG Change the grid scale
Grid is use recommended, it automatically aligns
objects (snaps to) the grid. If the original
LineDef or Sector was not aligned, switch to
Vertex mode to align each Vertex.
(If the program aligned the LineDefs/Sectors
by itself, Vertexes could be overlaid.)
yrH Toggle display grid (hides the grid)
yrI Toggle display object information
Show the information bottom bar while editing.
Show texture pictures while editing.
Speeds up display and shows more of the Map.
yrJ Jump to a specific object #.
yrL Switch to the LineDefs/SideDefs editor.
yrM Mark/unmark current object (select)
If you don't have a mouse, select an object by
pressing bM. Move the cursor over the object
until it lights up then press bM.
To unselect it, press bM again.
yrN Jump to the next object.
yrO Copy group of objects selected.
After all the objects have been selected, press bO
to make a copy. Then bdrag the duplicates to the
location desired using the Right mouse button.
yrP Jump to the previous object.
yrR Toggle display ruler
yrS Switch to the Sectors editor.
yrT Switch to the Things editor.
yrV Switch to the Vertexes (vertices) editor.
yr1...0 Set ZOOM level from 1 to 10 directly
(1/1 - 1/10)
y b
y b Top Menu Buttons
y b
The five buttons on the top bar represent:
yr+ Same as + command (zoom)
yr- Same as - command (zoom)
yrc Same as C command (clear)
yr# Same as G command (grid)
yrh Same as H command (hide grid)
y b
y b Mouse buttons Editing
y b
yrLeft button
Mark/unmark the current object (select/unselect).
The right side of the top menu bar shows the total
number of objects currently selected.
The first time you click an object it is added
to a list of objects to edit. All objects selected
will receive the edit changes you are making or
will be dragged or copied.
You do bnot have to click to edit only one
object. Move the cursor over the object to edit.
When you see that it is selected, press Enter
(or press the Right button quickly), select the
options in the sub-menu and press Escape (or
click the Right button) to exit.
Similarly for copying or dragging only one object,
make sure the object is automatically selected and
press bO for copying it or press the Right
button and hold down to drag.
To unselect an object, click on it again or press
bC to clear all.
If you have turned Auto Select off by using the bA
command, no objects are automatically selected as
you roam the map. Turn it back on if you want to
edit as described above.
yrLeft button Direct Picture Editing
Left clicking the Sector, LineDef or Thing picture
displayed on the bottom, pops up the corresponding
object images/texture selection menu.
This is a fast method of adjusting the final look
of a level!
Only the object displayed is changed. Additional
object you may have selected are ignored.
You may wish to temporarily turn Auto Select of to
keep the same object displayed on the bottom.
yrLeft button Insert Vertices
Press the Left button after you press bIns in
Vertex mode to create Vertices for LineDefs.
yrRight button
Edit or Drag the current/selected object(s).
Quickly press the Right button to edit the current
If the Right button is pressed and held for over
2/10's of a second, drag mode is entered.
Drag the object(s) selected by pressing the right
mouse button and at the same time moving the
mouse to the desired location. Release the right
mouse button to place it.
If you have a group of objects selected (either by
individually selecting them with the left mouse
button or by using the bShift+left button box
select) they are all dragged at the same time.
If you press and hold the Right mouse button and
you are over a rNew object (it "lights" up) and
it is not in the current select list), the new
object is dragged and all the prior ones are
yrRight button Insert Vertices
Press the Right button to stop inserting vertices
in Vertex mode (see above). The LineDefs are auto-
matically closed. Press bEnd if you do not want to
close the LineDefs.
yrShift+Left button
Select and mark a group of objects.
Drag a selection box around several objects
and select them all at once. On large levels,
do not select too many to prevent running out
of memory (for now).
y b Mouse buttons in Menus
yrLeft button
Select the current name or number when
the mouse is in the objects window.
yrRight button
Cancels the currently selected menu when
clicked outside the area.
y b
y b Menu Selections
y b
Items from a menu can be selected three different
yb1. Use the arrow keys to select the option and press
yb2. ba. For menus without numbers in front, press the
highlighted character (and nothing else).
y bb. For menus with numbers in front, press the
number (and nothing else).
yb3. Use the mouse to select the item. Move the mouse
cursur to the line and click the left button.
To cancel the selection, press Esc or click the
right mouse button.
y b
y b Automatic Selection
y b Difficulties
y b
If you have automatic object selection turned on
(bA), objects automatically get selected when you
get close to them. Some Sectors may be difficult to
select if they have irregular shapes. Switch to
LineDef mode, select a LineDef and switch back to
Sector mode. You can also Jump to a Sector (or any
object) with the bJ command.
If you have extra Sectors in one location, you will
also have trouble, but in that case you have to
delete the extra Sector.
x yPlease review the F1 help for each subject.
x y End of Section
x y
x B (c) 1994 Sensor Based Systems, Inc.
x B DoomEnhancedEditorProgram
x y █████████ V 6.11 █████████
x y ██ █ ██ █
x y ██ █ jackv56036@AOL.com ██ █
x y ██ █ ██ █
x y ██ █ ███████ ███████ ████████
x y ██ █ ██ ██ ██
x y ██ █ █████ █████ ██
x y ██ █ ██ ██ ██
x y █████████ ███████ ███████ ██ tm
x y 75454.773@COMPUSERVE.COM
x y
x G Register for More Features
x y
x y rTo register send $17.00 tox
x y rSensor Based Systems, Inc.x
x y r17010 N.E. 190th St x
x y rWoodinville, WA 98072x
x y (206) 827-8794
x y
x y
B y Line Commands available in Character Mode
rDOOM levels are named E#M# (#=number)
rDOOM II levels are named MAP##
DOOM and DOOM II are trademarks of id.
p yDeeP is a trademark of Sensor Based Systems
g y
g x This is the Shareware Version of bDeeP
g x Read the end for Registered Enhancements
g y
g y Please read the Note/Definitions
g y at the end for general guidelines.
g y
a w Press F1 for Help in EDIT
yr+ -
ZOOM in or out (change the picture size) for
BPicture and BView.
yxB[uild] B<wadfile>
p yRegistered only
Build a new main WAD file (all umpteen megabytes)
y replacing levels with any PWAD you have bRead.
yxDir B[drive:][path][filename]
p yRegistered only
List any DOS directory
The default drive:\path\filename is the directory
set by the bpatch option + b*.WAD.
If you do not have a bpatch entry, your current
directory is listed.
An easy way to temporarily override the bpatch
path and view the files in your current directory
is: bC:somewad.wad
This displays the files in the current directory
without entering the complete path.
bC: can be any drive of course.
The search syntax is similar to the DOS DIR
command with defaults especially suited for WAD
file names. The filename portion can contain
wildcard match characters (? and *). If no suffix
is entered, *.WAD is automatically appended to
the name.
yxDirA B[dirname] [outfile]
List all Master and Patch WAD directories.
yxDirM B[dirname] [outfile]
List Master directory wadfile only
yxDirW B[dirname] [outfile wadnumber]
List wadfile directory.
yxDumpM B<dirname> [outfile]
Dump Master directory entry in hex
yxDumpW B<dirname> [outfile wadnumber]
Dump a Wad directory entry in hex
yxE[dit] B[episode/mission level]
Edit a game level saving results to a patch wad
p file. You may enter the level ahead of time and
bypass the selection screen.
G Example: bE 1.
p The yShareware version always displays the
about screen, but it will accept a level that is
entered ahead of time.
yxG[roup] B<wadfile>
p yRegistered only
Group all patch wads together in one file. When
you BRead in more than one PWAD file, you can
combine them into one big PWAD. This way you can
combine all your favorite levels into 1 file that
contains all of them.
Example : You have created 3 levels called
time in the past (ok, you spent the last 4 week-
ends making them).
4. BG MIXEDBAG.WAD (you're done)
To replace levels in a Bgrouped PWAD, read the
grouped PWAD (the levels it contains are shown),
edit the levels you want to change and save each
one changed as individual files (the way you
created them to start with). The same original
name can be used.
Example : Assume you read MIXEDBAG.WAD and
change SLIDE11.MAP (level = MAP11).
1. BE 11 make the changes desired.
2. Save the level as SLIDE11.WAD (any name you
like of course).
3. BG MIXEDBAG.WAD and now you're done!
Group reads the information in the files, not
what's in memory. That's why you have to save
them again (not a bad idea if you changed the
levels to keep from getting confused, we do).
All levels that do not belong to the Master WAD
file are written to the bwadfile selected.
y bSave modified level(s) with their own names
before you group all the levels!.
yxH[elp] Help for setting DeeP options
yxI[nsert] B<RawFile> <DirEntry>
Insert a raw file in a patch wad file.
yxN[ew] B[episode/mission level]
Create and edit a New (empty) level
yxP[icture] B[Picname]
Display any Picture in the DOOM file.
(See +/- above).
yxR[ead] B<wadfile>
Read a new wad patch file. The default directory
is set by the "patch" option. If not set, the
default follows DOS rules (usually where you
started DeeP).
y The characters b.WAD are automatically
y appended if no b. is found.
yxS[ave] B<dirname> <wadfile>
Save one object to a separate file.
yxV[iew] B[SpriteName]
Display all the sprites (see +/- above).
y Display open wads( shows the bwadnumber )
yxX[tract] B<DirEntry> <RawFile>
Save (extract) one object to a raw file.
b y
B y Note/Definitions
b y
The names in the WAD file are in a "directory". Each
level is assigned a name, for example, E1M1 is the
first level in DOOM and MAP01 is the first level
in DOOM II. Pictures, sound, and level entries are
more examples of directory entry names.
The dirname when listing directories can have b* and
b? characters similar to the DOS DIR command.
gDIRA MAP1*, lists all entries starting with MAP1
and the rest doesn't matter.
gDIRA E1?3, lists all entries starting with E1,
the 3rd position doesn't matter and the fourth
location must be a 3.
Directs output to the devices of your choice. The
default (or *) is the screen. For example, PRN,
represents output to the printer attached to the
parallel port. Similarly, if you enter MYFILE.DAT,
the file MYFILE.DAT is created.
The number (not name) of the PWAD file. The first
one read is 1, the 2nd 2, ...you get the idea. It
is possible that the numbers will change if you
replace the same level with different PWADS.
Use the Wad command to see the numbers assigned.
Enter b* for outfile to keep output on the screen
and then enter the bwadnumber.
Example: gDIRW * * 2 lists all entries in the
2nd PWAD file.
For repetitive commands to the same wadnumber,
you do not have to enter the wadnumber again.
Example: gDIRW MAP* , lists all entries in the
second PWAD file, if the prior example was first.
p y
p y WAD file description
p y
DOOM store its information about each of the levels
yin rWAD files. DeeP edits these files.
There are two types of WAD files.
y rIWAD File
The main file, DOOMx.WAD, contains all the infor-
mation about the graphics, sound, level maps, etc.
for the game. This file is an bIWAD file. There
is one IWAD file called DOOM.WAD or DOOM2.WAD.
It is in the current directory when DOOM is run.
y rPWAD File
DOOM supports additional files that bpatch the
IWAD file, hence PWAD. It contains updates for the
IWAD file.
PWAD files created by DeeP contain an updated map
of a game level. PWAD files can be called anything,
but it's nice to call them bsomelvl.WAD where
somelvl is any name you like.
DOOM must be told to load a PWAD file. The -FILE
parameter does this. It is added after you type
yDOOM. Example : bDOOM -file myown.wad.
p y What makes up a Level
The best way to learn the details that follow is to
play a level, see what happens and then examine the
level with DeeP. Start with the first level and
work your way up. There's a lot of information, but
each step if pretty simple. Learn from other levels
the "tricks" used to get those spectacular scenes.
It helps to use the Grid when designing a level. The
Grid makes it easy to align everything and maintains
the sizes that work best for wall and ceiling
textures (explained later).
A level is created from smaller components, much
like a house is built from 2x4's, nails and siding.
Here's the names of the parts you will be using.
The five components are Vertices, LineDefs, SideDefs,
Sectors and Things.
y rVertices
Vertices are x,y coordinates on a map. DOOM maps are
2 dimensional. The height comes from Sectors, as you
will see soon.
Vertices are used as the starting and ending points
of LineDefs (next). These are the bdots on the map
in Vertex mode.
y rLineDefs
LineDefs are the lines in the map. These lines
define the borders of a Sector or the location of a
trigger that you walk across.
Bear with me a bit on Sectors. For now think of a
Sector as the room or area where you are fighting
for your life. A more precise definition about
Sectors is later, so keep on going and come back
and review this area again. I think it will be
clearer the 2nd time (if you didn't get stuffed
by the monsters).
Each LineDef has a starting vertex and ending
vertex. This is similar to putting two dots on a
piece of paper and connecting them to draw a line.
These lines end up being walls you see in the game.
The walls have at least one side and to be seen,
require a texture graphic.
Transparent LineDefs do not need any texture, since
they are invisible. A common use is for a btrigger
activated when you walk across the LineDef. A trans-
parent LineDefs has a texture of b-, which is none.
A btrigger causes Sector(s) assigned to it to move
up or down according to the type of LineDef. These
cause the special effects as you blunder into
It may help to stop here and edit a level, mess
around with the different modes and see all the
possibilities. The first level is suggested, since
it doesn't have as many things going on and is easy
to test since it's the first level.
If the wall can be viewed from both sides we need to
describe the second side also (for example, a door).
yThese sides are called rSideDefs. The first side
is called SideDef1 and the second SideDef2 (isn't
this amazing). The SideDef1 side of the LineDef is
the side with the line sticking out of it in LineDef
edit mode.
b y All LineDefs go the same Direction
The line sticking out from the side, should be the
same for all the LineDefs. Normally the arrows point
in the clockwise direction for rooms and the
opposite for an object in a room (see stair help).
y rSideDefs
A LineDef must have at least one SideDef. The
SideDefs define the wall textures (the way the wall
An enclosed set of LineDefs (and the SideDefs)
defines a Sector.
There are three possible texture locations for a
SideDef: bupper, normal and lower, representing
what you see above, straight ahead and below your
field of view. The upper and lower textures are
used when the floor and ceiling vary in height
between different Sectors/rooms.
bUpper Texture : Texture you can see above the
ceiling of a Sector.
bNormal Texture: Texture you see between the ceiling
and floor of a Sector.
bLower Texture : Texture you can see below the floor
of a Sector.
If everything was the same height, you would only
need normal (a boring level, yes?)
y rSectors
A Sector is made up of 3 or more LineDefs that all
connect together to form an enclosed area. A Sector
is similar to a room or an area within a room.
Sectors determine the ceiling and floor height and
the ceiling and floor textures (the last part to get
the 3D look of a level).
A Sector adds the depth to the LineDef/SideDef
connections. A Sector can be shared by many LineDefs
that form independent areas, lending the same
floor/ceiling heights and textures to those areas.
So don't think of a Sector as being the actual room
(sorry about their choice of words) since it can
describe many rooms and areas. When you see more
than one area "light" up in Sector edit mode, it
signifies the same sector is used to describe the
highlighted LineDefs.
Sharing Sectors is a good way to speed up the game
by limiting the work required by DOOM to calculate
where you are (going).
Special Sector information (damage/secret?) is also
Sectors are the only structure that move UP/DOWN in
DOOM. Lifts, Staircases, Doors, are all specially
defined Sectors.
y rThings
Things are the objects that lend the final touch to
a level.
Weapons, enemies, ammo, keys and decorations are
visible Things. The places where players start the
game and Teleport landings are also called things.
p y HOM errors
Hall of Mirror errors are what you get when some-
thing is messed up in your level. It looks like
you're replicated a zillion times and the world
won't stop turning.
We didn't invent this cute name. Matt Fell, the
author of the unofficial DOOM specs mentions it.
(Review his document for technical information.)
Here are some common causes for HOM:
1. You forgot a texture (easy to fix)
2. A node building error (rearrange the area).
3. DOOM has an error (especially DOOM, see stairs).
p y Object Colors
When an object is selected it will change color and
the object select count (upper right top line) is
increased by one. Use this to keep track of your
Things with the same color are all the same type.
Linedefs of different colors signify tags and
possible texture problems. Look at the information
displayed on the bottom texture boxes to tell.
All the same Sectors will turn Yellow, so you can
readily spot where they are used. Red indicates an
Tagged Sector/LineDef relation or an error in the
Sidedef where it appears.
P y
p y Additional Features in Registered yDeeP
P y
y1. bNo forced rabout screen so you start faster.
y2. bPrint Maps of any level at all magnifications.
y3. bLockout of DOOM II features when using the DOOM
WAD so you can still create DOOM levels without
accidently using a DOOM II only feature.
y4. bEdit and save rall 32 blevels at the
same time. The Shareware version does only 2.
y5. bGroup and Replace rall 32 blevels at the
same time. The Shareware version does none.
y6. bBuild a New IWAD with rup to 32 blevels .
The Shareware version does none.
y7. bThing percentage replace. This is useful to add
new weapons to old DOOM levels by converting just
some to new weapons and monsters.
y8. bThe DOS DIR command works so you can find those
pesky WADS easier.
y9. bTest DOOM levels directly without exiting.
y10. bThe latest online help and docs.
x y End of Section
B yHelp Options when loading DeeP
xyDeeP [-m <MainWadFile> ] [-n] [-fc] [-fm]
[-f <PwadFiles>...] [-p <dir>]
[-bgi <driver>] [-v <mode>]
[-config <IniFile>] [-h <helpfile>]
yThe b- commands are used for temporary overrides
ywhen you start bDeeP. The name surrounded by the
yparenthesis b(..) followed by b= is used in the
ybDeeP.INI file to set the same option permanently.
yIf no () are shown, it's the same name. Example :
ybMain = c:\Doom2\DOOM2.wad defines the main IWAD.
CxReview the notes in the DeeP.INI file for more info.
yb-n (noload)
Temporarily suppresses automatic DeeP restart.
This clears all prior PWAD file information.
See automatic restart options under Edit.
yb-bgi driver
Set the default video driver (*.BGI file). You
should only have to do this if you have a non-
VESA video BIOS and/or have a newer driver for
your video board.
Use the name bVGAONLY for normal VGA, that
is, use this if you can't run the default VESA
ALL of the colors can't be displayed in VGA, so
the textures look weird.
yb-config name
New name of the config file (DeeP.INI). This is
handy to keep preconfigured options that you
switch between often.
If you have both DOOM and DOOM II, create a
batch file for each version using different
config files pointing to a different DOOM main
wad file. This reduces disk space requirements.
If you use only one copy of DeeP to edit both
DOOM and DOOM II, the last files you were
editing might be for the wrong version. If you
did not want that to happen, use the -n option
to clear the status of all saved files. (This
will not occur if you run DeeP from different
In one batch file you might enter:
bDeeP -config DeeP.ini (for DOOM) and then
bDeeP -config DeeP2.ini (for DOOM II)
Each time you change the name of the DeeP.INI
file, it is saved in DeeP.CFG. Thus if you
start DeeP and do not override with a -config
command, the last name you used is automatic-
ally read. Remember this when you use batch
files to edit both DOOM and DOOM II levels and
you then directly run DeeP, bypassing your
batch files.
yb-f (file) file1.wad file2.wad ...
Add patch wad files to be loaded. If no path
is specified, a path is added (see PATCH).
The b.wad extension is automatically added
if no b. is used. (This also erases all prior
saved PWAD information.)
We may get rid of this option, since it is no
longer as useful with the new save options.
yb-fc (fakecursor)
Use fake crosshair mouse cursor. If you don't
have a mouse and you have a non-VESA BIOS.
yb-fm (fakemouse)
Use fake mouse type cursor. Select if you do
not have a mouse, but do have a VESA BIOS.
yb-h (help) C:\doom2\deep.hlp
Name/location of the DeeP.HLP file. Default is
DeeP.HLP in the current directory.
yb-m (main) C:\DOOM2\DOOM2.WAD
Name/location of the main IWAD file. This
file determines DOOM or DOOM II support.
This path also determines the location of
DOOM(2).exe when testing a level.
yb-p (patch)
Patch file default directory for reading
patch PWAD files (C:\Doom). Default is
current directory. This directory name is
automatically added to any file name if
you do not supply one.
yb-v # (video)
Set the default video mode number (resolution).
Experiment with this to see if your monitor is
readable at higher resolutions ( 800x600 looks
nice on many 15" monitors ).
xyA r'+' ybefore the options reverses on/off options.
x y End of Section
B y File [Alt-F]
Save the level as a PWAD file. Enter the name
of the file, including the complete path. If
no path is given, the file is stored in your
current directory. Press Esc or Cancel to not
do anything.
If a file already exists with the same save
name it is renamed with the .BAK extension.
DeePbsp should be run if you have changed any
of the map's geometry. You can ignore this if
you do not intend to play right now, but want
to go to bed (it is late).
pyThe Shareware version saves up to 2 files.
with different names. The .BAK name counts as
a name. If you read in 2 levels and save using
a different name, the maximum is exceeded.
pyThe Registered version saves up to 32 files.
pyClear the REJECTS
If you do not clear them, the existing REJECT
information is copied. This is OK for slight
tinkering with existing DOOM levels, but not
recommended for big changes.
The REJECTS are not always cleared to give you
freedom to experiment easier. (DeePbsp also
only copies REJECT data.)
We haven't verified the current information on
REJECTS (too busy getting all this together),
but know that there's more to it.
We have cleared the REJECT information on some
existing levels and they quit working, with
lots of Hall of Mirror (bHOM) errors! Not
exactly what you are led to believe by the
information we read!
When we rebuilt the level with DeePbsp, it all
worked again (with a cleared REJECT), leading
us to suspect that perhaps the REJECT is a
workaround for their own node builder errors?
pyDeePbsp will work on any PWAD file, just
remember that it bdoes not clear the REJECT.
DeePbsp will fix many levels built by other
node builders that have bHOM errors.
It is almost 100 percent reliable.
Some errors we've had in the past, turned out
to be DOOM coding errors (such as exceeding
the number of visible Sidedefs). Even DOOM II
will get the message "exceeded number of
visible planes" (or something like that) for
some monster levels we've built.
Reduce the number of Linedefs and simplify the
area if you run into bHOM errors.
Use the Grid feature when possible to minimize
ybSave As ExMx
Save the level with a different level number.
Select the level and the rest is the same as
Save the level and always rebuild nodes.
Save the level with a different level number
and always rebuild nodes.
ybTest Level
pyRegistered only
Load DOOM(II) and play a level you have saved.
The parameters -devparm -file yourfile.wad
-warp xx are automatically created. You may
enter up to 60 additinional characters.
Enter or change the DOOM(II) options to what
you normally use. These are saved for the
next time.
We do not have any systems with only 4MB but
it should work ok, since only about 7kb is
Upon exit, you return to DeeP and everything
is restarted if you set the option to reload.
(see Edit help)
ybEdit Level
Select a different existing level to edit.
ybNew Level
Erases all information so you can create a
level from scratch.
ybReset Level
Erases all PWAD information and resets all
levels to the main IWAD.
pyRegistered only
Print the level to printer or a file (see
Exit the editor. Prompts to Save the file if
changes have been made.
y b Printing Maps
The map printed is exactly the same as
currently displayed on the screen. So if
you zoom, you get the zoomed version,
scroll right and you get the section
All maps print the level as shown on the
screen with three variations. Each type
is automatically selected by the edit mode
(Things, LineDefs, Sectors).
ybThing mode : Things are shown with an X on
the map.
ybLinedef mode: Two-sided LineDefs are printed
ybSector mode: Just the map.
If the grid is turned on, it is superimposed
as dotted lines over the map at the grid size
ybPrint Operation
If you have an HP printer that supports the
HPGL language, you can print directly to the
printer. If the printer prints characters and
numbers(e.g.,PD12,55), the printer does not
support HPGL.
If your printer doesn't work directly, chose
a file for output. Then import it into Word
for Windows as an HPGL (.HGL) graphics file.
Set the page to landscape and maximize the
margins. Use insert picture to put the map
in a word document, importing as HPGL of
You can then print the file from Word,using
Windows' print drivers for your printer.
You need Word's graphic import filter for
.HGL installed (one of the options on Word
setup 6.0a graphic filters). Download an
upgrade for FREE from Microsoft if you
have 6.0. (See the About Screen for the
This has been tested with Word 6.0a. Corel
PhotoPaint can also import it, but it's pretty
lousy. If you know of others, let us know and
we'll include it here.
On some computers, you may get an error after
printing for a while. The message is out of
our control, just reply Y to retry. If you
are out of paper, put some more paper in!
We can't control this right now, it's a dumb
compiler problem, it won't tell us there is
problem with printer!
x y End of Section
B y Edit [Alt-E]
ybCopy Object(s) (O)
Used to copy (groups of) Things, vertices,
LineDefs and SideDefs, or Sectors.
After pressing bO move the copy to the
location desired by pressing the Right
mouse button and moving the cursor. When
the Right button is released, the objects
are moved.
The same objects can be move again. Press
bC to clear the selection.
While dragging, you can also press Esc to
clear them all. This also cancels the drag.
The copied objects still exist. You can't
see them because they are on top of one
ybAdd Object (Same as bIns key)
Be careful to not insert multiple Sectors at
the same location! The check will catch this
as Sector not closed messages, but it will
not be obvious to you.
New Sectors use the default values you set
in Texture defaults.
y rIns Vertex mode
This creates the LineDefs/SideDefs/Sectors
for a level. Insert Mode continues until
you stop it with the Right Mouse button (the
normal method), press the bEnd key, press bC
or press bEsc.
SideDefs and Sectors are automatically created
if Auto Insert Sector is turned on in Options.
There are two variations in Vertex mode:
b1. If 1 or no vertex is selected, press the
Left mouse button to create Vertices/Line-
if 1 vertex is selected, the next vertex
is automatically connected to the one
selected. Use this method to connect
multiple areas.
Each time the Left button is pressed a
Vertex and a LineDef is created (if you
have 2 or more vertices).
a w Joining Areas
If you are joining areas, move the cursor
over an existing vertex in the area to
join. Make it select (bottom box shows it,
and the vertex lights up/sound) and then
press the left button. The existing vertex
is now selected and joined to the prior
If you miss, manually move the vertex by
dragging it on top of the other one (stop
insert mode first by pressing Mouse button
The current grid is used to align vertices.
A grid of 8 is the minimum. Move an
existing vertex to make it line up if you
can't match because the grids misalign it.
b2. If exactly 2 vertexes are selected, a
new LineDef connecting the two is created.
Insert mode automatically ends.
This is mostly used for odd situations
where you are connecting two separate
areas or you are fixing a mistake.
Press the Right button to stop inserting.
The last two open vertices are connected.
creating the last LineDef to close. The
SideDefs and Sector is automatically created
(unless you turned Auto Insert Sector OFF).
If you do not want the LineDefs closed,
press the bEnd key.
A check is made to see if any obvious overlaps
exist. The check can be turned off in Edit
Options for faster operation.
If you press bC, the command is immediately
stopped and no SideDefs and Sector are
When creating an area, you should end up with
all the LineDefs forming a complete loop. All
the arrows should point the same way.
Rooms go clockwise and objects are formed
Flip the LineDef (F8 Misc menu) to correct any
LineDefs that do not loop result in Sector not
closed messages. Also LineDefs that butt
heads (they do not all go the same direction)
also cause Sector not closed errors.
If the ends do not touch, use method 2 above
to connect the opening or select one of the
vertices and drag it on top of the other one.
Reply yes to merge them together (works only
if you haven't turned the check off).
If you didn't use Auto Insert Sector, complete
the unfinished area by selecting all the Line-
Defs (or outline a complete bclosed area).
Then switch to LineDef mode (press bL) and
press bIns again to create SideDefs and a
Sector for the area just made.
y rIns LineDef mode
In LineDef mode when a group of LineDefs are
selected and you press bIns a new Sector is
created and one SideDef in each LineDef is
bound to this Sector. The edit mode will
switch to editing Sectors.
y rIns Sector mode
Use this only to create a new Sector that you
are going to manually reference with a SideDef.
This is normally done, when you can't change
the existing Sector, since it is shared by
other enclosed areas (you would change all of
them), so a new one is created. The LineDef/
SideDefs involved are manually changed to
point to the new Sector.
y rIns Thing mode
A new Thing matching the current object
selected is created.
ybDelete Object
Same as bDel key. Press the Del key again to
confirm the deletion.
ybClear Selection
Same a pressing C to clear.
awAll the options below are saved in the file
awDeeP.Cfg. This file is automatically created
awthe first time you start DeeP. If this file
aw gets damaged, delete it and restart DeeP!
Changes the default values for wall, floor,
and ceiling textures, and floor and ceiling
The following options are toggled as shown:
awSound Selection Sound when object is
awSound Errors Sound when an error occurs.
awOverLap Check Perform an overlap check
every time vertices move.
Disabling this speeds up edit-
ing large levels at the risk
of missing mistakes you make.
awSelect Object0 Select object 0 the first
awAdditive Select Add currently selected
objects to all in the
current select box.
awAuto Start Automatically restart DeeP
and reload all PWAD active
since the last time. Use -n
to temporarily suppress.
awAuto Load Automatically reloads the
last PWAD you were editing.
awGrid Dashed Set grid lines
awSelect Dashed Set select box lines
awInfo Objects Display text information
about objects.
(bI toggles).
awInfo Picture Display textures and things
in picture form.
(bI toggles)
awAuto Insert Sector Automatically insert
SideDefs and Sectors when you
create LineDefs in Vertex
Mode. If you do not have this
active, create the SideDefs/
Sectors in LineDef mode by
selecting the LineDefs and
pressing the bIns key.
awThick Lines Increase the line thickness
to 3. Useful when you use
large monitors at high
resolutions or use a white
awMouse The color of the mouse. You
must restart DeeP to see the
change. Since the mouse is
"tranparent" the colors vary
depending on the background
awMouseEdge Select the color of the
mouse edge (note as above).
awMenuHilite Select the color of the
menu hilighted character(s).
awDragging The color for dragged
awSelect Box The color of the select box.
awHiLight The color for automatic
hilighting of active objects.
awInsertVertex The color of lines inserted.
awGrid The grid color.
awRuler The ruler color.
aw2-Sided LineDef The color of 2-sided LineDefs.
aw1-Sided LineDef The color of 1-sided LineDefs.
awBackGround The screen background color.
If you change the background color, be sure to
change the color of the LineDefs so they show
up (and any others as appropriate). For
example if you make the background white, then
the 1-sided should be black and the 2-sided
ybPalette Colors
Select and set the color value for the 16
primary color selections. This changes the
values available in Mouse/Line Colors above.
It also changes those not directly set any-
where else. If you get lost, delete DeeP.CFG
and start over or use the following settings:
The DOOM and HERETIC settings are for the
respective games. The HERETIC information is
to make the menus look like they are supposed
Black = 0 1
Blue = 202 197
Green = 118 216
Cyan = 194 200
Red = 180 155
Magenta = 253 172
Brown = 70 79
LightGray = 88 26
DarkGray = 95 15
LightBlue = 196 201
LightGreen = 114 223
LightCyan = 193 184
LightRed = 176 161
LightMagenta= 250 173
Yellow = 231 241
White = 4 35
x y End of Section
B ySearch [Alt-S]
ybFind/Replace F4
y bFind
bLinedef Type
Find any Linedef type. Use this when con-
verting a DOOM level to DOOM II.
bThing Id
Find any thing object.
bFloor Texture Name
Find any Floor/Ceiling texture.
bWall Texture Name
Find any Wall texture.
y bReplace
bReplaceThing Id
Find any Thing object and replace it with a
different one. The percent replace option,
replaces the percent Things matching. Use
this to add new Things from DOOM levels
converted to DOOM II or just for fun.
bReplaceFloorTx Name
Search for any Floor/Ceiling texture and
replace it with a different one.
bReplaceWall Tx Name
Search for any Wall texture and replace
it with a different one.
ybRepeat last Change or Find
Perform the last command again to find
the next match.
ybNext Object (N)
Go to next object.
ybPrev Object (P)
Go to previous object.
ybJump to Object # (J)
Go to a specific object number.
x y End of Section
B yModes [Alt-M]
Changes current editing mode
y b Thing Mode T
y b Linedef & Sidedef L
y b Vertices V
y b Sectors S
y b Next Mode Tab
y b Last Mode Shift-Tab
y x When shifting modes using Tab
y x or Shift-Tab, all selections
y x you have made stay active.
y x Using one of the Letters to
y x switch modes, may lose the
y x current selection if it's not
y x the same as using the Tab
y x command.
Please see ? help in the beginning for basic
definitions of the above objects.
y b Linedef & Sidedef L
The following 2 character abbreviations are
used in the Linedef type descriptions:
The first letter :
bD Door - a door, duh..
bS Switch - a switch, same..
bW Walk - walk across to activate
bG Gun - shoot to activate
The second letter :
bR Repeatable - works every time
b1 One time - works only once
The following abbreviations are used in the
shortened type name :
bO Door stays open
bC6 Door closes after 6 seconds
bF Door opens fast
bS Stays open when shot
bCe Floor rises until it reaches the ceiling
bNe Floor rises/lowers until it reaches floor
height of adjacent Sector.
bT Same as Ne, but the texture and type of
Sector are also changed.
b<> Modifiers for Ne, Ce and T to indicate
where the it stops, < means below a
floor and > means above a ceiling.
x y End of Section
B yMiscellaneous [Alt-I]
The options available vary according to
the editing mode. The first option is the
same for all editing modes.
y1. bFind First Free Tag
Locates the first tag number that has not
yet been used in this map.
The rest of the options vary by mode as
b yThings Mode
y2.b Rotate and Scale Thing(s)
Move marked Things by the degree of rota-
tion and a percentage scale. Use this to
rearrange Things by spinning them around
(change rotation angle) or moving them
closer to each other (scale < 100%) or
further apart (scale > 100%).
b yVertices Mode
y2.b Rotate and Scale Vertices
Move marked vertices by the degree of rota-
tion and a percentage scale. Use this to
rearrange vertices by spinning them around
(change rotation angle) or moving them
closer to each other (scale < 100%) or
further apart (scale > 100%).
y3.b Delete Vertex and join Linedef(s)
Deletes the marked vertex and joins Line-
def(s) that were previously connected to
the vertex.
y4.b Merge several vertices into one
Same as #3 above, with multiple vertices.
y5.b Add linedef & Split Sector
You must mark exactly TWO vertices from
the SAME Sector before calling this
command. This adds a linedef and a new
b yLineDefs & SideDefs Mode
y2.b Rotate and Scale LineDefs
Move marked LineDefs by the degree of rota-
tion and a percentage scale. Use this to
rearrange LineDefs by spinning them around
(change rotation angle) or moving them
closer to each other (scale < 100%) or fur-
ther apart (scale > 100%).
y3.b Split LineDef (add new Vertex)
Splits the selected linedef(s).
y4.b Split LineDefs and Sector
Splits the selected LineDefs by adding
a vertex at the midpoint, connecting the
new vertices with a linedef which divides
the original Sector.
y5.b Delete LineDefs and join Sectors
Removes the selected two-sided linedef(s)
that divide Sectors and makes them into
a single Sector.
y6.b Flip Linedef
Flips the linedef(s) start and endpoints,
thus reversing the side of the 1st and 2nd
y7.b Swap Sidedef
Swaps the Sectors of sidedef(s) 1 and 2.
y8.b Align Textures (Y offset)
Align the textures on the Y offset. The
first linedef selected is used as the
reference point. This is for Up/Down
y9.b Align Textures (X Offset)
This may be used on a group of LineDefs
that follow each other. The first linedef
selected is used as the reference.
This is for left/right alignment.
b ySector Mode
y2.b Rotate and Scale Sectors
Move marked Sectors by the degree of rota-
tion and a percentage scale. Use this to
rearrange Sectors by spinning them around
(change rotation angle) or moving them
closer to each other (scale < 100%) or fur-
ther apart (scale > 100%).
This will NOT move the "Things" in the sec-
tor. After rearranging the Sector, you may
have to go into Things mode and select them
and do the same rotation/adjustment on them.
y3.b Make door from Sector
Select a Sector that is between two other
Sectors and then activate this function.
The LineDefs, Ceiling height, textures,
etc... will be modified accordingly.
y4.b Make lift from Sector
Select the Sector that is to become the
lift and then activate this function. The
LineDefs,textures, etc... will be modified
y5.b Distribute Floor heights
This function takes the difference in floor
heights between the first and last Sector
selected, divide it by the number of sec-
tors in between and then distribute the
result across the floor heights of the in-
between Sectors.
This is useful for setting floor heights on
y6.b Distribute Ceiling heights
This function takes the difference in
ceiling heights between the first and last
Sector selected, divide it by the number of
Sectors in between and then distribute the
result across the ceiling heights of the
in-between Sectors.
This is useful for setting ceiling heights
on stairways.
x y End of Section
B yObject Insertion [Alt-O]
A rRoom is outside a Sector.
An rObject is inside a Sector.
No part of the created object may cross any
existing lines. After the object is made you
can Drag the object (hold the right mouse
button) to the correct location and release
the button to place it.
Failure to move the object results in Sector
not closed messages.
b yROOM - Outside A Sector
ybInsert a Rectangle
Enter the width and height (length) of the
rectangle and DeeP automatically insert the
vertices, lindefs+SideDefs, and Sector at the
current pointer location.
This is adding a rectangular room.
ybInsert a Polygon (N-sided)
Enter the number of sides and a radius and
DeeP automatically insert the vertices,
LineDefs+SideDefs, and Sector at the current
pointer location.
You can create anything from a triangle to a
32 sided polygon.
This is adding an N-sided room.
b yOBJECT -Inside A Sector
ybInsert a Rectangle
Same as outside a Sector, but first
SideDefs will be set to the Sector they
are contained in. Think of this as
inserting a rectangular pillar.
NOTE: Pressing "Ins" after inserting the
rectangle creates a new Sector inside the
rectangle changes the walls to transparent.
Use this to define a new area inside a
ybInsert a Polygon (N-sided)
Also the same as outside a Sector, but the
first SideDefs is set to the Sector they are
contained in. Think of this as inserting an
N-sided pillar.
NOTE: Pressing "Ins" after inserting the
polygon creates a new Sector inside the
polygon changes the walls to transparent.
Use this to define a new area inside
a Sector.
r yStairs are Special
Stairs are always created inside a Sector.
yThe rbottom step connects to this Sector
for reference. You need to complete the
yrtop step by connecting it the Sector
Switch to Vertex mode and place the last 2
vertexes on the rLinedef desired and
reply yes to the split Linedef message.
You can also do this by dragging the stair on
top of the linedef you want it to connect to.
Finish by changing the linedef just created
by the split to point to the Sector of the
last step ( Sector reference ).
ybFor DOOM don't make more than 16 steps!
ybYou will get HOM errors (fixed in DOOM II)
y bBe sure to move a rRoom
y bstair out of the Sector.
x y End of Section
B yCheck [Alt-C]
When using the following diagnostics and an
error is listed, press return to continue
checking or press Esc to select the problem
If you are converting from DOOM II to DOOM,
be sure to replace any incompatible LineDefs!
Use Search to find and decide what will work
almost the same.
y1. bNumber of Objects
Gives a count of all the objects in a level.
The last five are built by the DeePbsp node
The amount of bytes needed to store the
information in a PWAD file is rounded to
the nearest Kbyte).
y2. bCheck if all Sectors are closed
Test all Sectors and make sure they are
closed. If they are not closed it reports
the number of the unclosed Sector. There are
some circumstances when a Sector is tech-
nically not closed, but if you can never reach
it, no problem occurs. Some DOOM levels,
for example, MAP14, have some of these.
The Sector not closed message can also mean
you have two (or more) Sectors in the same
location. Try deleting one and see if you
still have a Sector showing?
Remember, the final test is playing the level!
If the area not closed causes trouble, you
must fix it.
y3. bCheck cross references
Verify the integrity of the level and help
locate possible problem areas. This helps
locate orphaned SideDefs, etc. It will also
remove extraneous LineDefs if there are two
LineDefs between the same vertices.
y4. bCheck for missing textures
Report any SideDefs that may need to have a
Normal/Upper/or Lower texture defined.
If the texture can never be seen, a missing
texture causes no problems.
y5. bCheck Texture Names
Report any texture names which are not found
in the current DOOM IWAD file. The names are
different for DOOM and DOOM II.
y6. bCheck Thing Names
Report any Thing names which are not found
in the current DOOM IWAD file. The names are
different for DOOM and DOOM II.
y7. bCheck LineDef Types
Report any LineDef types that are not known to
DeeP. Also makes sure Sector tags are present
when required!
A missing Sector tag (tag is 0 and it shouldn't
be) crashes DOOM.
Id could have used this!
pyRegistered DeeP distinquishes between
DOOM and DOOM II LineDefs. A LineDef that does not
exist in DOOM comes up as missing. The DOOM II
description is in the information box.
y8. bCheck Sector Types
Report any Sector types that are not known to
y9. bCheck (5,6,7,8)Texture,Things,LineDefs,
Self explanatory!
y10. bCheck (2,3,4 )SectorsClose, Cross-Ref,
Self explanatory!
y11. bCheck (2 ... 8)all of the above
Self explanatory! Always run this to be sure.
y12. bAutomatic fix missing Textures
A quick way to convert DOOM to DOOM II. Uses
the current default textures.
y13. bAutomatic fix Texture names
A quick way to convert DOOM to DOOM II. Uses
the current default textures.
x y End of Section
B y Edit Thing
The initial direction or orientation of the
object. Click on the direction desired.
Sets the skill level for when objects will
appear. You can make it harder (for hard
levels of course) and reduce the difficulty
for the beginners by reducing the number of
monsters and increase the weapons.
Levels designed for death match can also have
different things.
Make monsters deaf so you can sneak up on
Select the type of thing, monster, player,
decorations, etc.
x y End of Section
||VERTEXES obsolete
B y Edit Vertex
ybX,Y Position
More for keyboard only users. Places a vertex
exactly where you want it.
x y End of Section
B y Object to Edit
ybEdit LineDef
Describes basic rules about the Linedef.
Controls what happens or can happen. The
descriptions are self-explanatory except for
bUnpegged and bSecret.
An bUnpegged texture does not move with a
Sector that moves, it is stationary.
A bSecret (red on the Automap) hides what's
behind it (does not show up on the Automap.
It is not related to the secret areas. Those
are set by the Sector.
ybEdit the 1st SideDef
Set the textures and connects it to a Sector
(for floor/ceiling information).
ayAdd a 1st SideDef
This appears (instead of Edit) if no Sidedef1
exists for the Linedef. A Sidedef1 must exist!
ybEdit the 2nd SideDef
Set the textures and connects it to a Sector
(for floor/ceiling information).
ayAdd a 2nd SideDef
This appears (instead of Edit) if no Sidedef2
exists for the Linedef. A Sidedef2 is
aySector Tag
A Sector Tag is a number that connects a
LineDef to a Sector with the same Tag number.
For example, a door with a switch has a Line-
Def (type = Switch Door) and a Sector with the
same Tag number. This causes the assigned
Sector to move (and not some other Sector).
More than one Sector can have the same Tag
number, they will all move at the same time!
ay1st SideDef ref
ay2nd SideDef ref
Normally you shouldn't have to use this. It
gives you the ability to manually fix SideDef
references (how did they get bad?).
x y End of Section
B y Edit Sector
ybFloor Height
Set the floor height. Usually from -512 to 512.
ybCeiling Height
Set the floor height. Usually from -512 to 512.
The maximum distance between the floor and
ceiling is 1023.
ybFloor Texture
Select a Floor Texture.
Select a Ceiling Texture.
ybLight Level
Determines how much light there is. 0 is dark,
255 is full on.
Describe how the sector behaves. Here's where
you can set the Secret attribute.
ybLineDef Tag
This ties the sector (and how it behaves) to a
Linedef with the same Tag number. A number
here, implies a LineDef with the same number.
DOOM will crash if you forget to tie the Tags
In Sector mode, the Tagged LineDef is rRed and
in LineDef mode the Tagged Sector is rRed.
x y End of Section
B yHelp [Alt-H]
gbKeyboard & Mouse
Same as F1 key.
The bottom bar displays editing modes,
auto-object bA, centeringb\, delayb[],
and zoom bZ and grid bG sizes.
The top bar show the number of objects in the
select list and the DOOM coordinates.
Additional help information is displayed on
the top as appropriate.
gbAbout DeeP...
Brief information about the DeeP
programmers and Registration.
x y
x B (c) 1994 Sensor Based Systems, Inc.
x B DoomEnhancedEditorProgram
x y █████████ V 6.11 █████████
x y ██ █ ██ █
x y ██ █ jackv56036@AOL.com ██ █
x y ██ █ ██ █
x y ██ █ ███████ ███████ ████████
x y ██ █ ██ ██ ██
x y ██ █ █████ █████ ██
x y ██ █ ██ ██ ██
x y █████████ ███████ ███████ ██ tm
x y 75454.773@COMPUSERVE.COM
x y
x G Register for More Features
x y
x y rTo register send $17.00 tox
x y rSensor Based Systems, Inc.x
x y r17010 N.E. 190th St x
x y rWoodinville, WA 98072x
x y (206) 827-8794
x y
x y
//-----------end of help-----------------------